The mission of the stricto sensu Graduate Program in Cell and Molecular Biology of the Instituto Oswaldo Cruz (PGBCM/IOC/Fiocruz) is to train researches with high academic and scientific capability to act in research-education-innovation with emphasis in the areas of Cell and Molecular Biology, Pharmacology and Immunology.
PGBCM/IOC belongs to the area of Biological Sciences II within CAPES, Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (the Brazilian federal agency for support and evaluation of graduate education), and currently has the highest grade assigned to a graduate program (7). Its research lines are divided into two major Areas of Concentration: Cellular and Molecular Biology and Pharmacology and Immunology. These Areas of Concentration currently include 13 Lines of Research:
• Biochemical, molecular, genetic or structural characterization of infectious agents and their hosts
• Genetics and molecular epidemiology
• Genome, transcriptome, proteome and metabolome of organisms
• Biotechnology: vaccines and diagnostics
• Regulation of gene expression and molecular biology of microorganisms and parasites
• Biochemical, molecular, genetic or structural characterization of insects
• Bioinformatics, biomathematics and biostatistics
• Immunopharmacology
• Inflammation, drugs and natural products
• Immunobiology of lymphoid organs
• Immunological mechanisms involved in the pathology of autoimmune, infectious and parasitic diseases
• Cellular and neuro-cardiovascular physiology and pharmacology
• Toxinology
A Graduate Commission (CPG) composed of ten permanent advisors and one student representative assists the Program’s Coordinator. The program has approximately 70 permanent advisors, 11 collaborating advisors and an average of 150 active students per year. The majority of advisors currently associated to the program are scientific productivity Fellows from CNPq (National Council of Scientific and Technological Development). Up to 30% of Program’s advisors are young researchers with fewer than ten years of doctorate, reflecting the concern of the Program with the renewal of its board through the inclusion of young doctors.
Besides the emphasis on basic research, many projects coordinated within the Program are focused on technological development and innovation in health, placing our Institution in a relevant position related to defining public policies in Science, Technology and Health in the country. The 71 IOC accredited Research laboratories provide access to high-tech equipment, enabling the development of cutting-edge research in the areas of concentration of the program. The Institution also maintains a park of Technology Platforms enabling the realization of high complexity techniques, facilitating the development of projects and integrating research, technology and graduate teaching.
The admission to the Program Master’s and Doctorate courses takes place through public selection calls, twice a year.
Our students attend classroom activities, but the Program also emphasizes their participation in laboratory and institutional seminars. Aside from a wide range of study subjects available in the 71 IOC research laboratories, students are encouraged to establish an intense interchange with other institutions of excellence and to participate in conferences and meetings of national and international scientific societies.
The stricto sensu Graduate Program in Cell and Molecular Biology of the Instituto Oswaldo Cruz (PGBCM/IOC/Fiocruz) had its Master Course accredited in 1989 and the doctorate in the following year.
The program supports and participates in the nucleation of new programs and graduate courses in Brazil. In addition, since 2008 the PGBCM develops out-of-headquarters international graduate courses in Mozambique and Argentina, through joint initiatives between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Fiocruz. These collaborations demonstrate the degree of international integration reached by the program, which by 2011 has graduated 20 students (10 from Argentina and 10 from Mozambique).
The stricto sensu Graduate Program in Cell and Molecular Biology of IOC was created with the mission of training high level scientific human resources, able to plan and develop research, new methodologies and products in the field of biotechnology, with emphasis in Cellular and Molecular Biology, Pharmacology and Immunology. To achieve this goal, the program aims at attaining multidisciplinary and comprehensive knowledge in its area of work, through the development of research projects and through the integration with other institutional courses.
By the end of 2015, PGBCM / IOC graduated over 1000 scientists, 40% doctors and 60% masters.
Coordination and Secretariat
Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Leila Mendonça Lima CV [1]
Vice coordinator: Prof. Dr. Vinicius de Frias Carvalho CV [2]
Graduate Commission:
Prof. Dr. Ana Gisele da Costa Neves Ferreira CV [3]
Prof. Dr. Clarissa Menezes Maya Monteiro CV [4]
Prof. Dr. Helene dos Santos Barbosa CV [5]
Prof. Dr. Juliana de Meis CV [6]
Prof. Dr. Leila Mendonça Lima CV [1]
Prof. Dr. Milton Ozório Moraes CV [7]
Profª. Drª. Patricia Cuervo Escobar CV [8]
Prof. Dr. Richard Hemmi Valente CV [9]
Prof. Dr. Rubem Figueiredo Sadok Menna Barreto CV [10]
Prof. Dr. Yara Maria Traub Cseko CV [11]
Students representatives:
Samuel Iwao Maia Horita
Lia Gonçalves Pinho
Yuli Rodrigues Maia de Souza
Secretariat of stricto sensu Graduate Program in Cell and Molecular Biology
Secretary: Julimar Ferreira
Phone: (21) 2562-1275
Email: [12]
Academic Secretariat – Pavilhão Arthur Neiva
Instituto Oswaldo Cruz - IOC/Fiocruz
Phone: (21) 2562-1201
Email: [13]
Avenida Brasil, 4.365 - Manguinhos
Zip Code: 21040-360 - Rio de Janeiro – RJ